Where are you born and when?
September 13, Samara, Russia
Where do you live?
Currently in Stockholm
When and how do you start your path in photography?
I took camera in 2005 in Samara when couldn’t write anymore. Then in 2014 in st. Petersburg I immerse myself into concert photography and my life has began
Who were the three photographers that inspired you at the beginning and who are the three ones that inspire you now?
Please add links to the pages where the images are shown.
1) Anton Corbijn
2) Paolo Roversi
3) Sarah Moon
Do you went to a school or are you a self-taught?
Both. But school didn’t gave me much. Self-taught was more valuable.
Do you create as a professional or for yourselves?
I did both but at the moment I do artistic works for myself
What do you like in photography, what is your motivation?
Stop some moments I love and make them last forever
What do you want to express or arouse in those who watch your images?
"Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?” “Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
What are your preferred moment(s) in the creation process?
All moments equally important
What are your three most representative images, and why?
Please add links to the pages where the images are shown.
1) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFBEZrhhfL/
2) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH2al2OBd3H/
3) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMtxERtB5pj/
first 2 is more about my lasts states and the fire is about where I want to be
What equipment and/or techniques do you use?
It is not a matter of brands/lenses, it is mostly about analog/digital, preferred light (natural/flash), how much post-production, etc.
Canon 5D mark 4, 70-24 II 2.8f, 70-200
How and why your work as changed since you started?
I can’t judge my works, let others do that.
What do you think about the fact that nowadays photography is mostly enjoyed on the Internet?
I don’t really mind. It is lonely, but I like internet, here are no borders.
Why you decided to join the nudeartzine project?
You seemed like nice people who care =)
Would you have a tip or advice to give to whom ever is watching your work and wants to learn photography?
Listen to yourself, keep your mind open
What are your plans in the future?
If you want to make god laugh, just tell him your plans...
I made him laugh enough.
On what page our readers can find more of your work?
Would you like to add something else?
No =)