Interview with:
Fabio Interra

Fabio Interra

Where are you born and when?

I was born in Varese on August 19th, 1976

Where do you live?

I live in the north of Milan in a little and nice city surrounded, literally, by woods.

When and how do you start your path in photography?

I always loved photography in general, but my journey into photography started after a summer holiday (2009) spent in a wonderful place, La Conquet, in Bretagne. The amazing light and the atmosphere enchanted me.

Who were the three photographers that inspired you at the beginning and who are the three ones that inspire you now?
Please add links to the pages where the images are shown.

My first inspiration was the great Tim Walker. I love his works. I am fascinated by the creativity of his pictures. I also follow Paolo Roversi and Eugenio Recuenco.

Tim Walker

Paolo Roversi

Eugenio Recuenco

Did you go to a school or are you a self-taught?

After my summer holiday in La Conquet, I decided to get a master into photography, one of my strongest passion into art, attending an evening class at the “Italian Institute of Photography” in Milan.

Do you make photography as a living?

I’d like to, I mean, Photography is my main job but lately I am looking for other types of work.

What do you like in photography, what is your motivation?

I like the fact I can “control” my pics and I have no limits about that. I need to express myself. I am not petty good with words and I chose imagines as a mean of expression.

What do you want to express or arouse in those who watch your images?

I need to express me and what I am going through and I’ve learned about my body, my fears, my limits and especially I’ve learned what I can bear and how to “survive”. I’d like to speak to as many people as possible through my pictures but it’s not all about ego. Taking pics it’s just like a cure for me and I was surprised when people started to thanks me by direct messages for what I am doing with my photography, because some of them are going through a similar moment. I mean..they wrote to thank me and I couldn’t believe it. Incredible! And I am happy too because some of them started to take some self-portraits too after seeing my pics. I am very grateful for the kind words people write me. I would like to take this opportunity to thanks them for their support

What are your preferred moment(s) in the creation process?

I like so much walking in the woods, especially during the cold season and in these moments I start to think about my next pics. I take inspiration also by movies, tv series and manga illustrations. I really enjoy when I shoot because sometimes fun things happen like falling into a pool (and it was not expected). And of course, I like when i choose and edit my pics.

What are your three most representative images, and why?
Please add links to the pages where the images are shown.

I think these imagines represent, at best, what i feel. I mean: vulnerability, oppression and the fact I often feel so out of place.

What equipment and/or techniques do you use?

It is not a matter of brands/lenses, it is mostly about analog/digital, preferred light (natural/flash), how much post-production, etc.

For the most I shoot with a digital camera but, sometimes, I shoot also with analogic too. For my money, natural light is the best because of the atmosphere and I find it magic. I don’t really like to shoot with artificial light because it’s fake, “cold”. But I have to use it, sometimes, for commercial works. For me, the best time to take pics is when the sky is fully cloudy. About post production depends on the type of pics, because normally I already have an idea about the final result, speaking of also about tones, atmosphere and so on.

How and why your work as changed since you started?

Well, first of all I wanna say that my work is a collection of experiences and feelings that have helped to grow my photography and the way I see things. I am trying to translate my everyday emotions into dramatic pics. I create my photos whatever I experience a deep emotional pain.

What do you think about the fact that nowadays photography is mostly enjoyed on the Internet?

It’s difficult to answer well because I grew up with paper magazine and film, so you saw pics live and I remember that the wait to see them was so exciting.
But I can’t deny with internet and digital, things are easier and immediate and in a busy world, this can help!

Why did you decide to join the nudeartzine project?

eheh you have contacted me ;)

Would you have an insight or advice to give to whomever is watching your work and wants to learn photography?

“Never stop believing in yourself” even if, for example, you will have some people against you (I am speaking from personal experience). Be surprised of all small things. And even if things get heavy, be proud of what you do...and of course you have to “work hard” to get results. Do be led by your emotions.

What are your plans in the future?

I don’t really know. The future is always uncertain. I mean, this can be scary and exciting at the same time..
I still have dream of moving to another country. I am really sick to stay here for many reasons (but this is another story).

On what page our readers can find more of your work?

They can find my work on instagram:

Would you like to add something else?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who support me. And of course, I wanna thank you too for this interview and paper publication.

Last updated 07/04/2021 12:04:54

Books by Fabio Interra

Cover of nudeartzine volume #15}
nudeartzine volume #15

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